5 Top Questions for Massage Therapists on Disinfection Protocols
5 Top Questions for Massage Therapists on Disinfection Protocols

5 Top Questions for Massage Therapists on Disinfection Protocols

5 Top Questions for Massage Therapists on Disinfection Protocols

At Virox® Technologies, makers of Rejuvenate™ Disinfectants for massage and professional beauty environments, we’ve been working for more than two decades at the forefront of infection prevention education. Lately, we’ve been getting a lot of questions from massage therapists on how they can work safely and take their cleaning and disinfection protocols to the next level. Here are answers to our top questions with some tips for your clients and team.

Q: Aren’t all disinfectants the same? As long as I’m disinfecting, does it really matter what product I use? 

A: All disinfectants are designed to do the same basic job: kill germs on surfaces. However, that does not mean that all products do this equally well. While consumer products may be adequate for cleaning at home, professional settings such as massage therapy practices require a professional disinfectant. Although choosing an effective disinfectant is important, it’s just as important to ensure that this efficacy does not come at the expense of safety to your clients, your team and even the environment. While many assume that harsh chemicals are needed to kill pathogens, this is a myth — some disinfectant technologies are effective against germs while gentle on people and the environment. Look for a product that is non-irritating to the eyes and skin, with a biodegradable formulation that minimizes environmental impact.

Q: Do some disinfectants work faster than others?

A: Yes! No disinfectant works instantly — every product needs to remain wet on the surface for a specified length of time to be fully effective, which is known as the products contact time and can usually be found on the label. Many commonly used products, such as those formulated with quaternary ammonium compounds (quats) and alcohols, often have contact times of 10 minutes. Not only does this add significant time to the process, but it also means that the product may need to be reapplied multiple times if it evaporates before the contact time is achieved. Choosing a product such as Rejuvenate™ wipes, with as little as one-minute contact time against viruses and bacteria, is an important step in saving time between appointments and ensuring disinfection in a single application.

Q: What surfaces and equipment should I be disinfecting between client appointments?

A: There are two main areas of focus for disinfection in massage therapy practice environments. The first is equipment like massage tables, face cradles and chairs used during a client appointment as well as stones, cups, rollers and warmers. The second area of focus is on high-touch surfaces throughout your facility, including change areas, door knobs, and point-of-sale devices, which frequently come in contact with your clients. Designing disinfection protocols can help you make a list of the relevant surfaces throughout your facility, the frequency of disinfection required, and guide you on the right process for disinfecting each one. At LearnAboutRejuvenate.com, Rejuvenate offers a free customizable protocol builder for massage therapists, making this process easy and convenient.

Q: Some disinfectants have harsh odors — is there anything I can do about that?

A: Maintaining the right atmosphere in your facility is a crucial part of the overall experience that keeps your clients coming back. A key component of this is avoiding unpleasant smells or odors within your environment, which includes the products you use for disinfection. Some disinfectants carry harsh chemical odors: for instance, chlorine-based products (bleach) have been known to cause irritation. Strong chemical odors can interfere with the ambiance that you work hard to maintain throughout your facility. Look for a disinfectant that has a mild odor, so it is not irritating to you and your clients.

Q: What can I do to show my clients that they are safe in my facility?

A: When you book client treatments, take the opportunity to communicate what your facility is doing to ensure a safe appointment, including enhanced infection prevention measures you have put in place. When your clients arrive for their appointment, visible communication pieces such as signage can help assure your clients that best practices are being followed. Other strategies, such as offering hand sanitizer to your clients and wiping high-touch surfaces with a disinfectant wipe, can go a long way in providing comfort to your clients. Placing tent cards on recently disinfected surfaces will signal to your clients that the environment is clean and safe for their appointment. 

Client safety has always been a priority for you, and the COVID-19 pandemic has shone a light on the importance of infection prevention to keep you and your clients safe. Elevate your disinfection with Rejuvenate — a highly effective and safe disinfectant — and take advantage of our free online customizable protocols. Visit us online for more tips on how to provide your services with confidence.

For more information, visit their website.

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