Massage Today Submission Guidelines

Send us your work:Your article submissions are only acceptable via an electronic submission. Article submissions sent through the postal service or fax machines are not accepted. Acceptable article submission categories are:

  • Chronic/acute conditions
  • CranioSacral therapy
  • Education & seminars
  • Massage Technique
  • Health & wellness
  • Pain management
  • Client education
  • Practice management
  • Spa therapies
  • Sports injuries
  • Soft tissue/trigger points

Your article file may be submitted in one of the following file formats: .doc, .docx, .rft, and .pdf. If you have any technical difficulties uploading, please contact the Editor. If the Editor has trouble opening a document or file, you will be notified.

Formatting: All article submissions must be in 12-point type, single spaced, and in one inch margins.

Photography: Images should be attached to the electronic submission in .jpg format. Images included within the body of the raw article file are not acceptable. Massage Today reserves the right to reject and/or replace any author provided image accompanying his/her article. Multiple photo submissions per article should be numbered.

Image Captions: Each image caption should be numbered corresponding to the photo. Each caption should be included at the end of the article in a numbered fashion. Massage Today reserves the right to reject and/or replace any author provided caption accompanying his/her photo and article.

Combined Submission: Article submissions are accepted at any time, year-round. The Massage Today editorial team reserves the right to publish each article according to their editorial calendar.

Editorial Response Time: The Massage Today editorial team maintains a response time from 1-2 weeks per article submission.