CoreStone OmniStone
CoreStone OmniStone

Product and Services Round-up: Highlights from AMTA's National Convention

By Massage Today, Editorial Staff
September 14, 2022

Product and Services Round-up: Highlights from AMTA's National Convention

By Massage Today, Editorial Staff
September 14, 2022

Therabath Eye Pillow and Cover Set

Therabath’s new eye cover and pillow set is a weighted eye pillow meant to help counter the effects of eye strain and headaches and aid in relaxation. The eye pillow is scented with lavender buds to help promote restful sleep and is made with soft blue chenille fabric to create a velvetlike touch. Each eye pillow insert comes with two removable covers for ease of washing. The pillow can be put in a ziplock bag and placed in the freezer before use to help relieve puffy eyes and headaches. The product is not recommended for microwave use.


BEMER, which stands for Bio Electric Magnetic Energy Regulation, is an FDA cleared Class II Medical Device. BEMER stimulates and conditions muscles to increase temporary blood flow for improved performance and recovery. According to the company, product benefits include enhanced oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide removal, improved muscle performance, increased energy and endurance, and reduced stress.

Heavy Metal Rollerz

Heavy Metal Rollerz are weighted massage rollers to help relieve tension in the trapezius, neck, forearms, and quadriceps through self soft tissue release. This technique reduces tension, stress, and soreness and helps to increase flexibility, range of motion, and muscle performance. The solid stainless steel Rollerz come in five-pound, ten-pound, and fifteen-pound options.

Books of Discovery

Books of Discovery has added Business Mastery and The Ethics of Touch to its textbook lineup. Business Mastery is a guide for students on their path to a massage therapy career. Over 1,000 healing arts associations and schools around the world recommend the textbook. The Ethics of Touch directly addresses the difficult dilemmas that confront therapy practitioners by describing the issues, identifying clear principles, and using stories taken straight from the treatment room.

Sacro Wedgy

The Sacro Wedgy was originally designed with self-care in mind to help therapists relax at the end of the day. The product is designed to isolate, cradle, and elevate the sacrum, isolating both ends of the spine and allowing gravity to do most of the work. Because the female sacrum is shorter and wider than the male sacrum, the Sacro Wedgy comes in distinct male and female versions. The Sacro Wedgy can be used with a variety of different stretches and can help relieve sciatica, low back/hip pain, and poor posture.

CoreStones OmniStone

The CoreStones OmniStone is a Gua Sha tool that can be held and used in five different ways to help address various needs during a massage session. The five surfaces include a fine edge, a teardrop edge, a top rounded edge, a rounded corner, and a flat surface. The stimulating fine edge can be used for Gua Sha, cross-fiber friction, or superficial myofascial scraping. The calming teardrop edge can be used for pin and stretch or anything requiring a smoother stroke. The top rounded edge can be used around bony prominences and for diffused pressure on the face and body. The rounded corner gives a specific point of pressure. The flat surface on the front and back can be used for compression and to warm or cool the muscle tissue. The OmniStone is available in both a left angle and right angle version.

Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork

Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (BCTMB) is the highest credential within the massage and bodywork profession. Becoming Board Certified demonstrates a massage therapist's advanced assessment and critical thinking abilities and provides credibility to current and prospective clients and employers. Earning this credential lets employers and clients know a massage therapist:

  • Has earned the knowledge, skills, and attributes to provide high-quality care
  • Is part of a community dedicated to elevating the profession, their education, and their practice
  • Can effectively integrate with the medical and healthcare communities
  • Is prepared for increased opportunities and long-term success

Learn Muscles Continuing Education

Learn Muscles Continuing Education (LMCE) is an online continuing education video streaming subscription service offering all of Dr. Joe Muscolino’s video content on anatomy and physiology. LMCE also includes manual and movement therapy, including over 3,000 video lessons and more than 310 hours of free NCBTMB CE content. A new video is added to LMCE every week.

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See Also: Product Round-Up: Massage Lubricants and Aromatherapy