John Barnes
John Barnes

Rethinking the Fascial System

By John F. Barnes, PT, LMT
September 13, 2023

Rethinking the Fascial System

By John F. Barnes, PT, LMT
September 13, 2023

The perspective of traditional science is that our bodies are logical and linear, and this is the theory that much of the early hands-on education was based upon. The problem? Our bodies are neither logical nor linear!

In 1923, Max Planck, the father of quantum physics, suggested this reductionist theory is not the correct way of looking at the human body—and never was.

The Fascial System Takes Center Stage

Traditional science has focused on the brain and neurological system as the seat of consciousness. Recent scientific discoveries, however, have found that frequencies of light (photons) travel through the fascial system at enormous speed.

When I became aware of birefringence, I asked Dr. Carol Davis and Dr. James Oschman—two of the finest scientists in our country—for their insights. Both have advanced knowledge and understanding of the fascial system, and have written on the topic. I highly recommend reading Dr. Davis’s “Complementary Therapies in Rehabilitation: Holistic Approaches for Prevention and Wellness” and Dr. Oschman’s “Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance.”

See Also: Fascia Refresh: Our Evolving Understanding

These books provide us with some very interesting information about how light may be conducted through the fluidity of the ground substance of the fascial system via the process of birefringence. Birefringence occurs at the cellular level. Birefringent crystals are liquid crystals creating electric polarization from head to toe. So, we are basically two-thirds water, but it is not water as we think of it.

A Different Kind of Liquid

For far too long, the fascial system was thought to be an insulator, which meant it couldn’t conduct energy. In fact, the ground substance of the fascial system carries a vast amount of information and energy to every one of the trillions of cells of the body. This is so important!

The revered scientist Dr. Mae-Wan Ho expands on this idea in her article “Super- Conducting Liquid Crystalline Water Aligned with Collagen Fibres in the Fasciae.”

She states: “The liquid crystalline nature of the fascial system extends without interruption throughout its extracellular matrix to the interior of every single cell.”

Dr. Gerald Pollack, considered one of the world’s leading experts in fluid dynamics, adds to this idea. He details what is named “structured water,” or H3O2, which allows for the fascial system to act like a fiber optic. The liquid crystalline nature of structured water has both the characteristics of solid and fluid, and is capable of change.

See Also: Myofascial Release and Massage Therapy: A Winning Combination

H3O2 plays an important role at the cellular level, where it boosts the power of the electrons of mitochondria, the powerhouse of our cells. Both the ideas of birefringence and H3O2 get to the heart of why myofascial release can be used to decrease pain and increase range of motion, and has everything to do with the healthy functioning of our physiology and life itself!