Headshot of FSMTB executive director Debra Persinger
Headshot of FSMTB executive director Debra Persinger

FSMTB Sees Increase in Testing and Pass Rates After Initial Dip Early in Pandemic

By Massage Today, Editorial Staff
November 1, 2021

FSMTB Sees Increase in Testing and Pass Rates After Initial Dip Early in Pandemic

By Massage Today, Editorial Staff
November 1, 2021

1. What have you noticed as top trends in the profession these past two years?

FSMTB doesn't track trends in the profession, but for those seeking to enter the profession, we've noticed an increase in stress and anxiety as people prepare to pass the national licensing exam at the same time as coping with disrupted education and other life challenges introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. What have you been seeing in regards to the MBLEx exam? Is the number of massage therapists sitting for the exam increasing? Declining?

We had a dip in applications at the height of the pandemic and certainly when the testing centers were shut down and operating at limited capacity. Now that schools have mostly returned to normal scheduling, we've seen an upward spike, not only in volume of candidates testing but also in pass rates.

3. How is FSMTB continuing to help the massage profession navigate the covid crisis?

We published the “Guidelines for Practice with COVID-19 Considerations” and they are still in use as a reference guide. Regarding testing, we extended the “Authorization to Test” window from 90 days to upwards of 9 months.

4. Can you give us an idea of some of the general trends FSMTB has observed recently?

We have definitely experienced an increased interest in fraud in massage education and how to address it. Many schools are reporting an increase in enrollment, so I expect we’ll see their students taking the MBLEx as they get closer to graduation.

5. What would you like readers to know about FSMTB they may not already know?

Our small but mighty team of staff members is dedicated to helping massage professionals navigate the regulatory landscape. This begins with our candidate care team for the emerging professionals through to providing resources for seasoned professionals seeking quality continuing education or wishing to volunteer and make an impact on the profession at a national level.

6. Has FSMTB edited or reassessed the online readiness assessment since COVID?

Yes, we are constantly feeding questions into the item bank. However, massage therapists have always engaged in hygiene and sanitation practices so that is not a new concept as a result of COVID. If any content changes on the MBLEx, that would happen as a result of the profession telling us practice has changed, not in response to a communicable disease.

7. What about the “Guidelines for Safe Massage Practice?” How has FSMTB shifted their approach to that guidance?

The guidelines have not changed in terms of practitioner and client safety practices. Therapists are still required to comply with local, state and federal guidelines.

8. What new details can you share about the interstate compact for massage therapists?

The licensing compact technical advisory group has met several times and is in the process of formulating guidelines that will be sent to a drafting group. A draft document will then be distributed widely to invite feedback and revisions will be made accordingly.

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