The Art of Coaching Your Clients to Say "Yes!" to Your Services

By Sharon Desjarlais(CC), Michele McGrew, November 17, 2014

The Art of Coaching Your Clients to Say "Yes!" to Your Services

By Sharon Desjarlais(CC), Michele McGrew,
November 17, 2014

Have you ever had a great conversation with a potential client you knew you could help, until you heard those painful words: "Your services sound great, BUT..."

We know how deflating that can feel, especially for a compassionate practitioner like you. Because your lifework is more than a job. You're here to be of service and to help people heal. And ultimately, that's the transformation they sacrifice when they give themselves an excuse not to change.

And that's an even bigger problem than your potential client realizes, because how we do anything is how we do everything. If she's pushing your help away in this area of her life, how many other opportunities is she blocking with the same excuse? And what could her life look like and feel like if she made her health a priority?

That's why we believe you're being of service when you gently and gracefully coach potential clients through their healing objections. Here are a few proven tips and scripts you can use to help them overcome the four big objections we hear most in complementary care.

Objection #1

"I can't afford it." Hands-down, this is the most common excuse you'll hear. And occasionally, it will be true. But more often than not, it's a smokescreen for something else that's standing in the way. So, if your potential clients tells you they can't afford your services, don't take that at face value. Instead, give yourself permission to be curious. See if money really is the issue, or if it's a symptom of something else.

Sometimes it means she isn't convinced of the value of your services yet, or even whether the issue she's struggling with can be solved at all. Bottom line? She's afraid she'll invest the money but she won't get the results she wants.

Here's what you can say: "[Name], can I ask you a question about that? Earlier in our conversation, you said solving this problem and getting to [the results she wants] was really important to you. Assuming money wasn't an issue, is this something you'd like to move forward with?"

If the answer is "yes," and it almost always is, follow up with: "What I know to be true is that you are a powerful, resourceful person. If you make the decision to move forward today, I wholeheartedly believe you can find the money to invest in your health. So let me ask you [Name], what would [the results she wants] be worth to you?" [Reflect her response back to her in her own words.] "If that's true, then you have to be willing to step out of your old story and make the commitment to move forward. Are you ready to do that today?"

If you're not used to coaching potential clients to a breakthrough like this, this might feel awkward at first. But here's the thing: As a holistic practitioner who sees who someone truly is — body, mind and soul — it's your responsibility to hold her as powerful even when she can't do that for herself. When you reflect her ability to manifest the results she wants, you're seeing her from a higher perspective. And that's always empowering.

Objection #2

"I don't have time." The second most common objection you'll hear is all about time — the lack of it. But when someone says, "I don't have time," what they really means is, "I'm not ready to make my healing a priority yet." So next time a potential client uses time as an excuse to put herself on the back burner, don't be fooled. The truth is, people make time for what's important to them. If she isn't creating time for healing, that's an opportunity for a breakthrough. So give yourself permission to challenge that belief.

Here's what you can say: "Can I ask you a question about that, [Name]? If I could wave a magic wand and create all kinds of time in your schedule, is this something you'd like to move forward with?" [Reflect her response back to her in her own words.] "So in order to say "Yes" to [the results she wants], what would you have to say "No" to?"

Even when your potential client sees the benefit of working with you, she may have created so much busyness in her life, she can't see how to make time for herself. If that's the case, offer to spend a few minutes helping her brainstorm ways she can clear her schedule so she can say yes to her health and well-being. Once she's done that, follow up with this question: "If you made this commitment now, what would open up for you then? How would your life improve?"

Let her explore what would get to happen in all areas of her life if she embraced her healing. Help her connect the dots to see how taking this step could improve so much more than her health. More strength, flexibility and vitality can lead to better relationships, an easier family life, a more creative work environment, a better income and generally, a lot more joy. And when you open up this world of possibility for her, that alone is a healing gift.

Objection #3

"I have to think about it." If your potential client says she has to think about it even after she's agreed that your service is a good fit for her, something else is clearly holding her back. In our experience, it's almost always a hidden fear of change.

That's why we recommend, if you're offering a higher-end healing experience — like a day-long retreat or multi-month healing program — you reward clients with a "quick-decision savings" if they make a decision within 24 to 48 hours. Any longer than that and their old fears and habits start to creep in and keep them stuck.

If you're worried about pressuring your potential client, consider this: making a decision is an act of manifestation. Too often, people give away their power by avoiding decisions that would move them closer to their goals. By giving her the the opportunity to say yes — or no — before her limiting beliefs kick in, you're reminding her that she has a voice in her own healing process. And you're giving her everything she needs to take a step toward the life she wants.

Here's what you can say: "Can I ask you a question, [Name]? What else do you need to know in order to make your decision?" [After you answer her questions, continue with the script if she says she still has to think about it.] "I would love for you to make a powerful decision so you can move past [the pain she's in] and experience [the results she wants]. In my experience, the longer you take to make this kind of decision, the more your fear and resistance will come up to try to keep you stuck. Because, although your situation is painful, it's familiar and sometimes easier than changing. So, I believe it's my obligation, as your healthcare advocate, to hold you to a powerful decision within the next 48 hours. I encourage you to check in with your intuition and notice when your fear starts to creep in. Then make your decision from a place of possibility, and not from fear and resistance. Does that make sense? Great. I'd love to follow up with you by phone tomorrow. What time works best?"

Objection #4

"I have to talk to my husband." Sometimes you'll come across a man who says he has to talk to his wife before he commits to working with you. Yet, for better or worse, we usually hear this objection from women. And why wouldn't anyone want to check with their spouse, especially if you're offering high-end retreats and programs? If for nothing more than out of respect for their shared finances.

That said, you still want to check in to see if this is the real issue, or if it's another smokescreen for some deeper fear or resistance.

Here's what you can say: "I completely understand that, [Name], and I'm absolutely willing to honor that. May I ask you a question? Do you believe your husband will be supportive of your getting the help you need to move from [the pain she's in] to [the results she wants]? What do you think he'll say?"

If your potential client isn't sure her husband will support her decision, offer to role-play the conversation with her if that makes her feel more comfortable. You can also coach her on how to explain the benefits of working with you, and how they'll positively impact every other area of their life together.

So, are you ready to try your hand at coaching your clients to a "Yes"? Keep in mind, these conversations won't feel natural at first. Don't be discouraged. With a little practice, you'll become a pro at helping your clients overcome their objections. And when you start your healing relationship as this kind of powerful advocate, more meaningful breakthroughs are likely to follow.